Viichii Homes provide not only 24 hours, intensive support for young people, but also high-level assistance needs, in a small group or one-to-one setting. The proportion of staff to young people differs, depending on the needs of the given group.
Staff are on site 24 hours a day to assist young people.
Semi-independent accommodation allows young people to receive a high level of support in a group setting but facilitates a greater degree of independence than 24-hour intensive support.
We make sure young people gain necessary skills in preparation for living independently, experiment safely with their increasing freedom and develop the responsibilities associated with adulthood, whilst still having the appropriate level of support from an experienced and qualified staff team.
Young people typically have their bedroom and share communal facilities such as kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms. The level of support may vary between locations nevertheless staff are generally available throughout the day, during the week.
Our floating support service provides housing-related support to enable young people to maintain their independence in their own home. This type of support services is for young people who have moved on from semi-independent accommodation or similar but still require support to live independently.
The level and duration of support required are pre-agreed and key working sessions take place in the home regularly.
We are able to accommodate young people who urgently require a short-term placement in our homes.
Please contact us for more information.
Fundamental to young people developing their ability to maintain their independence on a long-term basis is equipping them with the right information and skills.
Our “future with no limits” programme is our accredited educational programme that teaches young people the life skills needed to live independently. That gives young people a real sense of achievement, a recognised qualification, as well as a positive experience of learning.
We know that being in education, employment or training is crucial if young people are to sustain their independence.
Our team provide advice and guidance as part of key working sessions and throughout their interactions with young people to support them in accessing and sustaining education, training and employment. We also work closely with Personal Advisers and the Leaving Care teams to support young people.